Ymgyrch Croeso Calcutta 2001 - 2004
Welcome Calcutta Campaign 2001 - 2004

Ymgyrch ar y cyd rhwng Urdd Gobaith Cymru a Chymorth Cristnogol yw Croeso Calcutta.  Nôd yr ymgyrch yw i addysgu ieuenctid Cymru a chodi ymwybyddiaeth am fywyd ieuenctid yn Calcutta yr India.  Drwy rannu profiadau a diwylliant newydd gallwn ddatblygu parch a chariad at eraill.  Wrth ddysgu am ein gilydd byddwn yn pontio ein cyfeillgarwch, yn gobeithio cau bwlch anwybodaeth ac agor drysau cyfiawnder a heddwch.
Welcome Calcutta is a joint campaign by the Urdd and Christian Aid. The aim of the campaign is to raise awareness and educate the youth of Wales about young people in Calcutta. By sharing our experiences and cultures we will learn to love and respect each other.

Mae Croeso Calcutta wedi cynnig cyfle am weithgareddau addysgiadol lliwgar ar gyfer Adrannau Ysgolion ac Adrannau Pentref a gweithgareddau cymunedol.  Gweithgareddau sydd wedi codi proffeil yr Urdd mewn gwaith ieuenctid rhyngwladol a dinasyddiaeth fyd-eang.  Mae pobl ifanc wedi cael profiad uniongyrchol, dysgu sgiliau allweddol dinasyddiaeth dda, ehangu gorwelion a hynny drwy gael llawer iawn o hwyl hefyd!
Welcome Calcutta has offered opportunities for the children of the Urdd to take part in educational and colourful activities, as well as offering activities for the whole communnity. These activities have raised the profile of the Urdd in international youth work and world-wide citizenship. The young people have gained valuable experience, learnt good citizenship key skills, and have expanded their horizons - and achieving this whilst having a great time!


Why Calcutta?

Mae Cymorth Cristnogol yn gweithio mewn llawer iawn o wledydd dros y byd ac yn cwestiynu achosion tlodi ac yn credu bod angen newid er mwyn creu byd tecach a sicrhau nad yw pobl dlawd ddim yn gorfod aros yn anghenus.
Christian Aid are working in a large number of countries throughout the world and question the causes of poverty and believe that a change is due to create a fairer world, and to ensure that poor people don't stay needy.

Ar gyfer Croeso Calcutta dewiswyd un ardal mewn un wlad a chanolbwyntio ar waith tri o bartneriaid Cymorth Cristnogol sydd yn gweithio gyda plant a phobl ifanc o’r un ystod oedran ac aelodau’r Urdd.  Yr ardal hon oedd dinas Calcutta a’r partneriaid oedd y CRS (Cathedral Relief Services), SKVIS (Sunderban Khali Village Industry Society) a Sanlaap.  Wrth edrych ar waith y tri partner yma, lluniwyd prosiect Dinasyddiaeth Byd-eang i godi ymwybyddiaeth, addysgu a rhannu profiadau, edrych ar faterion sydd yn effeithio bywydau pobl ifanc, grymuso pobl ifanc a rhoi cyfle iddynt gymryd rhan a dangos sut y gellir gwneud gwahaniaeth.
For the Welcome Calcutta campaign, one area in one country was chosen, and we concentrated on the work of three of Christian Aid's partners that work with children and young people - around the same age as Urdd members. The area chosen was Calcutta, and the partners were CRS (Cathedral Relief Services), SKVIS (Sunderban Khali Village Industry Society) and Sanlaap. After lookinmg at the work of theses partners, a World-wide Citizenship project was devised to raise awareness, share experiences, educate and look at the matters which affect young people's lives, and give them a chance to take part and show how to make a difference.



Croeso Calcutta Launch

Cafwyd lansiad hynod lwyddiannus i’r ymgyrch yn Uwchadran Chwilog yn Nhachwedd 2001.  Noson a oedd yn ein hargyhoeddi y caiff Urdd Gobaith Cymru a Chymorth Cristnogol gydweithio ar gynlluniau cyffrous iawn dros y misoedd nesaf.
A very successful launch to a very special project was enjoyed by many at Chwilog recently – it was the launch of Welcome Calcutta a joint project between Urdd Gobaith Cymru and Christian Aid. The launch confirmed that both organisations will enjoy working on exciting activities for Urdd members over the next 18 months.

Yn y lluniau isod gwelir y gweithgareddau a fu’n digwydd yn Chwilog – Mae India yn cynnig gwledd ar gyfer y synhwyrau ac fe gafwyd hynny yn chwilog gyda blasu bwyd, celf a chrefft gyda Cefyn Burgess, paentio wyneb, gemau, cornel stori Shompa gyda Judith Humphreys, eitemau llwyfan gan ddisgyblion Ysgolion ac Adrannau lleol a cherddoriaeth o’r India.
These pictures show some of the activities enjoyed at the launch in Chwilog. India offers a feast for the senses and this was portrayed in Chwilog through Indian food, arts and crafts, face painting, Shompa story corner, items from pupils of local schools and Adrannau, games and Indian music.


Trip to Calcutta 2002

Ar Ionawr y 3ydd 2002 aeth dwy o staff yr Urdd (Manon Wyn a Llinos Roberts) allan i Calcutta gyda Branwen Niclas o fudiad Cymorth Cristnogol, a’r ‘daith ymweliad cefnogwyr’ i Gymorth Cristnogol.  Bu i Manon, Branwen a Llinos gyfarfod a nifer fawr o blant a phobl ifanc sydd yn cael budd o waith partneriaid Cymorth Cristnogol.  Bu cyfle i sgwrsio gyda plant a phobl ifanc, gwneud llawer iawn o nodiadau a phrynu adnoddau er mwyn cynllunio prosiect Croeso Calcutta yng Nghymru.  Penderfynwyd canolbwyntio ar brosiectau yn ymwneud a phlant, pobl ifanc a merched.  Mae problemau megis masnach plant, iechyd, glendid, puteindra a thlodi i’w gweld yn amlwg ar strydoedd Calcutta.  Roedd yr holl brofiadau gafwyd allan yn Calcutta yn fythgofiadwy.  Mae Calcutta yn ddinas sy’n llawn gobaith er gwaethaf ei thlodi, y baw a’r llygredd.
On the 3rd of January 2002, two of the Urdd's staff (Manon Wyn and Llinos Roberts) went out to Calcutta with Branwen Niclas from Christian Aid on a 'supporter's visit' for Christian Aid. Manon, Branwen and Llinos met a large number of children and young people, who gain from Christian Aid's partners' work. There were opportunities to chat with children and young people, make a lot of notes, and to buy resources in order to design the project in Wales. The decision was made to concentrate on projects that were linked to children, young people and women. Problems such as poverty, child labour, health, hygiene and prostitution are seen on the streets of Calcutta. The experiences gained in Calcutta were unforgettable,. Calcutta is a city that is full of hope despite the poverty, dirt and pollution.


Calcutta ydi prif ddinas Gorllewin Bengal yn yr India.  Mae’r ddinas ar ochr ddwyreiniol yr afon Hooghly, sy’n fraich o afon fawr y Ganges.  Mae’r bobl leol yn hoffi galw’r ddinas yn Ddinas Llawenydd.  Ar lan yr afon, mae Calcutta mewn lle da ar gyfer diwydiant, ond dydi’r tywydd poeth, llaith a swompi ddim yn addas iawn ar gyfer pobl.
Calcutta is West Bengal's capital city. Why not look in an atlas to see if you can find it? The city is on the eastern bank of the river Hooghly, which is a tributary of the Ganges. The local people call the city "Happiness City". On the bank of the river, Calcutta is in a prime location for industry, but the humid, hot weather is not suitable for people.

Mae’r tymheredd yn Calcutta yn amrywio rhwng 108 gradd selsiws a 7 gradd selsiws.  Rhwng misoedd Mehefin a Medi mae 1645 milimedr o law yn syrthio yn y monswn.  Mae nhw’n fisoedd trymaidd iawn.  Ym mis Hydref a Thachwedd mae’r glaw yn cilio, ac mae misoedd y gaeaf o ddiwedd mis Tachwedd i ddiwedd mis Chwefror yn sych a braf.
The temperature in Calcutta varies from 108 degrees Fahrenheit and 7 degree Fahrenheit. Between the months of June and September, 1645 mm of rain falls in the monsoon. These months are very humid. In October and November, the rain clears and the winter months from November until February are warm and dry.

Mae Calcutta yn un o ardaloedd tlotaf a mwyaf poblog yr India.  Mae 85,500 person yn byw ym mhob milltir sgwâr!  Mae un rhan o dair o bobl Calcutta yn byw mewn slymiau.
Calcutta is one of the poorest and populated areas in India. 85,500 people live in every square mile! A third of the population of Calcutta live in slums.

Er bod 200 o ffynhonnau mawr a 3000 o ffynhonnau llai yn Calcutta, mae llawer o bobl y ddinas yn defnyddio dwr heb ei ffiltro sy’n gallu arwain at broblemau iechyd.  Mae llawer o le i wella ar safonau byw pobl dlotaf y ddinas.
Even though there are 200 large wells, and 3000 smaller wells in Calcutta, many of the city's population use water that hasn't been filtered, which can cause health problems. There is a lot of room for improvement on the living conditions of the poorest people of the city.

Hindwiaid ydi pedwar o bob pump o bobl Calcutta, ond mae Mwslemiaid, Crisnogion, Sikhs a Bwdistiaid yn byw yn y ddinas hefyd.  Bengali ydi’r brif iaith, ond mae Urdu, Tamil, Punjabi a ieithoedd eraill yn cael eu siarad yno hefyd.
Four out of people in Calcutta are Hindus, but Muslims, Christians, Sikhs, and Budhists also live in the city. Bengali is the main language, but Urdu, Tamil, Punjabi and many other languages are spoken there.

Ers yr 1870au, Calcutta ydi prif gynhyrchydd jiwt (defnydd tebyg i sach) y byd.
Since the 1870's, Calcutta is the world's leading jute (fibre) producer.



Christian Aid's Partners

Mae’r Cathedral Relief Services yn mynd at y bobl, yn dysgu oddiwrthyn nhw, ac yna yn eu hysbrydoli nhw eu hunain i gynllunio, gweithredu a rheoli eu prosiectau a’u rhaglenni eu hunain.  Addysgu’r bobl i helpu eu hunain.  Mae gweithgareddau datblygu y CRS wedi eu lleoli mewn 16 o slymiau, neu bustees fel y gelwir hwy.  Ffoaduriaid sy’n byw yn y bustees, ac mae rhwng 15 a 70 mil o fobl yn byw ym mhob bustee!
The Cathedral Relief Services go out to the people, learn from them, and then inspire them to design, operate and run their own projects and programmes. Educating the people to help themselves. The CRS development activities are situated in 16 slums, or bustees, as they're known Refugees live in bustees, and there are between 15 and 70 thousand living in each bustee!

Mae’r gwaith yn eang iawn gyda nifer o raglenni sgiliau a prosiectau sy’n hybu incwm a datblygiad cymdeithasol ar gyfer y merched.  Yn bustee Bhukailash e.e., mae clinic iechyd a maeth wythnosol, hyfforddiant i’r merched mewn crefftau jiwt, rheolaeth gwesty, agor cyfrifon banc a chychwyn busnes.  Hefyd ceisio codi safon iechyd yn y gymuned drwy ddosbarthu gwybodaeth a hybu glendid personol, ymweliadau meddyg i’r clinig mam a’i babi a gwybodaeth atal afiechydon. 
The work is very broad with a number of skills programmes and projets that encourage income and social development for the girls. In Bhukailash bustee for example, there is a weekly health and nutrition clinic, training for the girls in jute crafts, accommodation  management, opening bank accounts, and starting businesses. Also trying to improve the health standards in the community by distributing information, encouraging personal hygiene, visits to the mother and baby clinic, and information on preventing diseases.

Roedd y bobl ifanc wedi cymryd drosodd y Pump House, hen dafarn, a’i throi’n ganolfan ieuenctid fywiog mewn ardal anodd iawn.
The young people had taken over the Pump House, old tavern, and turned it into a lively youth centre in a very difficult area.

Mae’r rhaglen ar gyfer plant sydd eto i fynychu ysgol, a’r rhai sydd wedi’i amddifadu o addysg yn agwedd bwysig arall o waith y CRS.  Caiff y plant a phobl ifanc gyfle i ddysgu darllen ac ysgrifennu, dysgu canu, dawnsio, celf ac addysg gorfforol.  Mae’r CRS yn cynnal Chwaraeon Blynyddol Canolfannau’r Bustees a’r dir y Gadeirlan yn Calcutta.  Cyfle gwych i dros 2000 o blant y bustees gael cymdeithasu a’i gilydd ac ar yr un pryd ennill anrhydedd a gwobrau.   Diwrnod pwysig, gan mai ychydig iawn o gyfle sydd ar gael i blant y bustees ragori, cael hyder bositif o gyflawni camp.
The programme for children who are yet to attend school, and ones who have had no education is another important aspect of the CRS' work. The children and young people are given opportunities to read and write, sing, dance, art and physical education. The CRS hold Annual Games between Bustees Centres. This is an excellent opportunity for over 2000 children from the bustees to socialise with each other, and at the same time, winning prizes and honour. It is an important day since there are only a few opportunities open to the children of the bustees to gain confidence or a sense of achievment.

Mae’r prosiect yma wedi datblygu yn helaeth ers ei sefydlu yn 1978 yn Canning ger Calcutta, gan bump o ferched gweithgar iawn wedi iddyn nhw adael y coleg.
This project has developed extensively since it's establishment in 1978 in Canning in Calcutta, by five hard-working women after finishing college.

Canolfan cynhyrchu dillad yw SKVIS.  Canolfan sydd wedi rhoi cyfle heb ei ail i ferched sy’n byw ar ynysoedd yn nelta’r afon yn nghefn gwlad tlawd Canning.  Darperir yr offer sydd angen i gynhyrchu’r dillad a’r hyfforddiant i alluogi merched ddatblygu eu sgiliau traddodiadol.  Drwy hyn mae’r merched yn cael eu hybu i ddatblygu fel unigolion, creu incwm ac yn sgil hynny gwella safon byw yn y pentrefi, cael addysg iddyn nhw a’r plant, gwell gofal iechyd, gwarchod yr amgylchfyd a chadw eu diwylliant.
SKVIS is a clothes producing centre. The centre has given women who live on the river deltas in rural Canning a lifeline. The equipment needed to produce the clothes is given, as is the training needed so that the women can develop their traditional skills. Through this, the women are encouraged to develop as individuals, create income, and through this, increase the living conditions in the villages, get education for themselves and their children, better health care, protect their environment and keep their culture.

Tyfodd SKVIS dros y blynyddoedd ac erbyn heddiw maent yn cyflogi dros 1000 o ferched a 3 dyn! Yn sicrhau amodau gwaith, oriau a thal da, felly mae’r nifer o aelodau teuluoedd sy’n elwa o waith SKVIS mewn tua 500 o bentrefi, ymhell dros 4000.  Mae’r cynyrch yn cael ei werthu’n lleol ac hefyd yn cael ei allforio dros y byd, yn bennaf drwy TradeCraft.  Yn y canolfannau datblygir y broses o greu’r dillad gyda gwahanol ardaloedd yn gyfrifol am wahanol rannau o’r broses e.e. plannu a medi’r planhigyn cotwm a’r pryfyn sidan, nyddu’r edefyn, gwehyddu’r defnyddiau, y broses organig o lifo’r defnyddiau gyda planhigion, llysiau, ffrwythau, rhisgl pren a dail yna’r broses olaf o greu a gwnio’r dillad lliwgar. 
SKVIS grew over the years, and by today they employ over 1000 women and 3 men! They ensure good working conditions, good hours and good pay, so the number of family members that profit from SKVIS work in over 500 villages are far over 4000. The produce is sold locally and is also exported around the world, mainly through TradeCraft.  The process of creating the clothes happen within the centres with different areas responsible for different parts of the process - for example, sowing and reaping the cotton plants and silkworms, weaving, the organic process of dyeing the material with plants, vegetables, fruits, bark and leaves, then the final process of creating and sawing the colourful clothes.

Mudiad sy’n gwarchod hawliau plant a merched ifanc.  Mae Sanlaap yn gweithio yn ardaloedd ‘golau coch’ Calcutta ac yn debyg iawn i waith y CRS yn y slymiau, maent yn rhedeg canolfannau gwybodaeth ‘drop-in’ sy’n cynnig gwybodaeth i ferched a phobl ifanc – cynnig canolfan gymdeithasol i bobl ifanc drafod gyda’i gilydd a sgwrsio am faterion sydd yn effeithio ar eu bywydau – mae tyfu i fyny mewn ardal ‘golau coch’ yn effeithio ar y bobl ifanc ac yn amharu ar eu derbyniad cymdeithasol.
Sanlaap is an organisation that protects the rights of children and young women. Sanlaap works in Calcutta's red light districts, and like the CRS work in the slums, they run 'drop-in' information centres that offer information for women and young people - they offer community centres for young people to discuss with each other, and chat about matters that affect their lives - growing up in red light districts affect the young people and interfere with their social acceptance.

Dyma ardaloedd prysur iawn gyda strydoedd cul llawn bwrlwm a phawb wrth ei waith yn casglu trethi, y gof a’r gyrrwyr rickshaw yn brysur, y gwerthwyr bwyd a’u danteithion lliwgar, plant yn chwarae ar y llwybrau ymysg cwn, cathod, geifr a moch.   Mae’r ganolfan hefyd yn ganolbwynt saff i’r plant fynychu gweithgareddau allan o oriau addysg, gan bod tyfu i fyny yma yn aml yn mynd law yn llaw gyda thrais a chreulondeb.  Mae plant a phobl ifanc yn yr ardaloedd hyn yn hawdd eu niweidio ond drwy ganolfannau Sanlaap maent yn cael hyder wrth gyfarfod a chymdeithasu a’i gilydd.  Creu cylch cryf o ffrindiau ac yn medru rhannu eu problemau, a gweithio drwy hyn yn bositif i wella eu sefyllfa. 
These are busy areas, with narrow streets heaving, and everyone going about their work of collecting taxes, the blacksmith and rickshaw driver busy, the market stalls busy, children playing in the alleys amongst the dogs, cats, goats and pigs. The centre is also a safe centre for the children to attend extracurricular activities, since growing up here goes hand in hand with violence and cruelty. The children and young people of these areas are easily hurt, but through Sanlaap centres they recieve the confidence by meeting and socialising with each other. They form a strong circle of friends, and can share their problems, and work through this positively to better their situation.

Mae Sanlaap hefyd yn rhedeg lloches ar gyrion Calcutta i ferched ifanc sydd wedi cael eu cipio, eu twyllo a’u camdrin gan y gymdeithas.  Ac yma mae nhw’n cael cyfle i gael addysg, gwasanaeth cownsler a therapi, dysgu sgiliau byw ac hefyd dysgu sgiliau ar gyfer ennill incwm wedi iddynt adael y lloches.  Mae’r merched yma yn gryf a dewr iawn ac yn llawn gobaith i’r dyfodol.  Mae canran o ferched y lloches yn HIV positif.
Sanlaap also runs a shelter on the outskirts of Calcutta for young women who have been kidnapped, cheated, and mistreated by the community. They get the opportunity to receive education, counselling and therapy services, learn life skills, and also learn skills that will help them earn a living after leaving the shelter. The girls here are strong and very brave, and full of hope for the future. A percentage of the girls in the shelter are HIV poswitive.

Mae criw o ferched y lloches wedi ffurfio grwp dawns arbennig iawn o’r enw SANVED sy’n teithio canolfannau ieuenctid yn Calcutta i godi ymwybyddiaeth am faterion cyfoes gyda pobl ifanc megis HIV ac Aids.  Defnyddir dawns fel therapi i ryddhau teimladau yn greadigol.
Some of the girls from the shelter have formed a special dance groupnamed SANVED, that travels the youth centres in Calcutta to raise young people's awareness of matters such as HIV and AIDS. Dance is used as therapy to express feelings creatively.

Shompa of India

Mae miloedd o blant Cymru wedi mwynhau gweithdy a chyflwyniad i ddiwrnod ym mywyd Shompa.  Mae diwrnod Shompa yn debyg iawn i ddiwrnod plentyn yng Nghymru, ond mae rhai pethau yn newydd iawn hefyd.  Er bod rhai pethau yn debyg a rhai pethau yn newydd, mae’r ddau yn bwysig os ‘rydym am ddysgu am ein gilydd a parchu diwylliant ein gilydd.
Thousands of children all over Wales have enjoyed a workshop and a presentation on a day in the life of Shompa. Shompa's typical day resembles that of a child in Wales, but some things are very different. Even though some things are alike, and some are different, both are equally as important if we are to learn about each other, and respect our cultures.

Mae Shompa yn saith oed ac yn byw yn ardal Canning ar gyrion Calcutta, ardal wledig iawn ar ddelta afon fawr.
Shompa is seven years old and lives in the Canning area on the edge of Calcutta, a very rural area on a large river delta.

Bydd Shompa a’i brawd Shurajit yn codi am bump bob bore, a bydd Shompa yn nôl dwr o’r ffynnon, bydd yn dod a digon i ymolchi, i wneud brecwast ac i olchi’r llestri.
Shompa and her brother Shurajit get up at five each morning, and Shompa fetches water from the well. She will return with enough water to wash, make breakfast and to wash the dishes.

Bydd Shurajit yn mynd i’r farchnad gyda’i dad i nôl neges mewn basged fawr – bara, llysiau, ffrwythau, cig a reis.
Shurajit goes to the market with his dad to fetch shopping in a large basket - bread, vegetables, fruits, meat and rice.

Wedi i bawb godi, ymolchi a bwyta brecwast mae Shompa a Shurajit yn cerdded i’r ysgol gan gario cinio mewn bocsys tifin.  Wedi cyrraedd yr ysgol bydd gwersi rhifo, ysgrifennu a darllen.
After everyone has got up and washed and had breakfast, Shompa and Shurajit walk to school with their lunch in a tifin box. After reaching schools, numerical, reading and writing lessons are held.

Mae mam Shompa a Shurajit yn gweithio yn SKVIS, un o bartneriaid Cymorth Cristnogol.
Shompa and Shurajit's mother works with SKVIS, one of Christian Aid's partners.

Ar ôl ysgol mae Shompa a Shurajit yn cael aros i’r clwb ar ôl ysgol, sy’n debyg iawn i Adran yr Urdd.  Yno fe gant hwyl yn cymdeithasu a’r pethau mae Shompa yn fwynhau fwyaf yw canu, dawnsio a cymryd rhan mewn dramau.
After school Shompa and Surajit stay in a club after school - which is very much like Urdd Adrannau. There, they have fun socialising, and one of the things that Shompa loves to do is sing, dance and be in a drama


Cynradd – sgyrsiau yn defnyddio adnodd Cymorth Cristnogol – llyfr Shompa o India a chodi ymwybyddiaeth am y pwysigrwydd o ddysgu a pharchu diwylliannau newydd.
Primary - talks using Christian Aid resources - the "Shompa from India" book, and raising awareness of the importance of learning and respecting other cultures

Mae’r gweithgareddau wedi bod yn amrywiol iawn o brintio bloc i gael paentio patrymau henna ar ddwylo!
The activities have varied from block printing, to painting henna patterns on our hands!

Uwchradd – gweithgareddau yn cyflwyno Masnach Deg
Secondary - activities presenting Fair Trade

Uwchradd a hyn – gweithgareddau yn codi ymwybyddiaeth am HIV/Aids
Secondary and older - activities raising awareness of HIV/Aids

The Urdd's National Eisteddfod

Mae llawer iawn o weithgareddau cyffrous wedi cymryd lle yn Eisteddfodau’r Urdd gyda chyfle gwych i godi ymwybyddiaeth am Croeso Calcutta o arddangosfa Indiaidd i reid mewn ricsho, i addurno dwylo gyda henna!  Cafwyd twrnament ‘Gemau Gwyrion’ rhwng timau Cymorth Cristnogol, yr Urdd ac S4C yn Eisteddfod Tawe Nedd ac Afan!
A lot of exciting activities have taken place at the Urdd's National Eisteddfods, with great opportunities to raise awareness of Welcome Calcutta, from an Indian display, to a ride in a Rickshaw, to decorating hands with henna! A "Silly Games" tournament between Christian Aid, Urdd and S4C teams was also held at Eisteddfod Tawe, Nedd and Afan!


Welcome Calcutta's exchange trip

Visiting Sanlaap

Mis Medi 2003 aeth chwech o Urddaholics draw i Calcutta i ymweld a phartneriaid Sanlaap dan arweiniad Cymorth Cristnogol.  Rhan gyntaf o daith gyfnewid oedd hon wedi ei threfnu gan Cymorth Cristnogol ac Urdd Gobaith Cymru.  Bu’n ymweliad a phrofiad gwerthfawr iawn i’r Urddaholics ac i ferched lloches Sneha.  Sefydlwyd cyfeillgarwch cadarn drwy’r ymweliad a chafwyd cyfle i ddysgu am ein gilydd, a rhannu diwylliant.  Cyflwynwyd y grwp i waith arloesol partner fel Sanlaap, a chafwyd gweld a’n llygaid ein hunain sut mae Sanlaap yn gweithio yn y gymuned, a chwrdd a phobl ifanc sydd yn cael budd o waith Sanlaap yn ddyddiol.  Roedd yn gyfle i weld sut mae mudiad fel Cymorth Cristnogol yn gwneud gwahaniaeth i fywydau pobl mewn gwledydd tlawd a lle bo angen.
In September 2003, 6 Urddaholic went over to Calcutta to visit Sanlaap under Christian Aid's instruction. This was the first part of an exchange trip organised by the Urdd and Christian Aid. It was a very valuable visit and experience for the Urddaholics, and the girls from the Sneha shelter. A solid friendship was established during the visit, and we had an opportunity to learn about each other, and to share our cultures. We ahd the opportunity to see for ourselves what kind of work Sanlaap do in the community, and we met people who gained from Sanlaap's work daily. It was an opportunity to see how an organisation such as Christian Aid can make the difference to people's lives in poor areas, and where it's needed.

Mae i daith gyfnewid ganlyniadau cadarnhaol iawn a’r mwyaf amlwg yw “profiad”.  Yn ogystal a hyn bu i’r daith gyflawni holl amcanion sylfaenol yr Urdd, wrth i’r cyfle ddatblygu sgiliau ac annog dinasyddiaeth dda.  Datblygwyd sgiliau trefnu, llenwi ffurflenni grant a datblygu hyder yn cyfarfod a gwneud cyflwyniadau i’r cyhoedd cyn y daith ac wedi dychwelyd, wrth rhannu’r hanes yn ôl yn y gymdeithas.
Exchange trips have great results, but the most obvious is "experience". As well as this, the trip met all of the Urdd's expectations - since it offered opportunities to develop skills and encourage good citizenship. Organisational skills, developing confidence meeting and making presentations for the public, and filling in forms for grants are just some of the skills learnt.

Sanlaap's Visit to Wales

Braint i’r Urdd a Chymorth Cristnogol ym mis Mai 2004 oedd cael croesawu pump o ferched ifanc a thri arweinydd draw i Gymru o loches Sneha yn Calcutta, ar ail ran o daith gyfnewid Croeso Calcutta.  Trefnwyd taith drwy Gymru ar gyfer yr ymwelwyr gan yr Urddaholics fu draw yn Calcutta mis Medi 2003.  Yn ystod yr ymweliad bu i’n gwesteion gyfarfod a thros 2000 o fobl ifanc drwy’r Urdd a Chymorth Cristnogol.  Trefnwyd gweithdai yn codi ymwybyddiaeth am fywyd yn Calcutta a Chymru.  Cynhaliwyd gweithdai oedd yn rhannu diwylliant drwy ddefnyddio dawns traddodiadol.  Bu aelodau hyn yr Urdd yn cymryd rhan mewn gweithdai oedd yn codi ymwybyddiaeth am faterion cyfoes megis HIV/Aids a chael cyfle i drafod hynny’n agored fel grwp.  Mae dawns yn gyfrwng pwysig iawn ym mywyd y merched sydd yn byw yn lloches Sneha.  Roedd Laxmi, Sudesna, Savita, Rakhi a Nasima yn rhan o grwp dawns Sanved - llais Sanlaap.  Roedd eu perfformiadau yn lwyfan iddynt godi ymwybyddiaeth am hawliau plant a merched ifanc a defnyddiwyd dawns fel therapi, fel llais a dehongliad celfyddydol i ryddhau teimladau ac emosiwn.  Roedd eu perfformiadau pwerus gosgeiddig yn ennill calonnau cynilleidfaoedd dros Gymru, gyda penllanw’r ymweliad o lwyfan Eisteddfod yr Urdd Ynys Môn o Oedfa’r Bore ar y dydd Sul.
It was an honour for the Urdd and Christian Aid to welcome five young girls and three leaders over to Wales from the Sneha shelter in Calcutta during May 2004 - the second part of the exchange trip. A trip through Wales was planned for the visitors by the Urddaholics who were over in Calcutta in September 2003. During the visit, our visitors met over 2000 young people through the Urdd and Christian Aid. Workshops were organised raising awareness of life in Calcutta and Wales. Workshops were held that shared cultures by using a traditional dance. Older members of the Urdd were involved in workshops that raised awareness about matters such as HIV/AIDS and had the opportunity to discuss this openly in a group. Dance is an important part of the girls who live in the Sneha shelter. Laxmi, Sudesna, Savita, Rakhi a Nasima were part of the Sanved dance group - Sanlaap's voice. Their performances were a platform for them to raise awareness about children and young women's rights, and dance was used as therapy, as a voice, and as a medium to express feelings and emotion. Their powerful performances won the hearts of audiences all over Wales, with the visit ending with a performance on the Sunday morning Service during the National Eisteddfod.

Bu’r ymweliad hwn yn brofiad bythgofiadwy a phositif iawn i’n gwesteion, un fydd yn rhoi hyder a gobaith iddynt ar gyfer y dyfodol.  Roedd yn brofiad enfawr iddynt wrth addasu i ddiwylliant newydd – bwyd, amser, tywydd, iaith a gwelwyd datblygiad yn eu hagweddau wrth i’r daith fynd ymlaen.  Gwelwyd eu bod yn fwy hyderus bob dydd wrth arwain gweithdai a gwneud penderfyniadau am gynnwys gweithdai.  Roedd rhai o’r merched yn agored iawn ynglyn a’u gorffennol, ac yn fodlon rhannu hynny gyda phobl ifanc ac roeddent yn croesawu agwedd pobl ifanc Cymru tuag at HIV/Aids a’u parodrwydd i drafod yn agored heb ragfarn na stigma.
This visit was an unforgettable and very positive experience for our guests, one that will give them confidence and hope for the future. It was an enormous experience adapting to a new culture - food, time, weather, language and a change was seen in their attitudes as their visit went on. They seemed more confident every day whilst leading the workshops, and making decisions about the contents of the workshops. Some of the girls were very open about their past, and were willing to share these with youngf people, and they welcomed the young Welsh people's attitude towards HIV/AIDS, and their readiness to discuss it openly without any preconceptions or stigma.

Welcome Calcutta Appeal Fund

Diolch i bawb sydd wedi cyfrannu tuag at Ymgyrch Croeso Calcutta a sicrhau llwyddiant aruthrol i’r prosiect hynnod gyffrous yma rhwng yr Urdd a Cymorth Cristnogol.
Thanks to everyone who has contributed towards the Welcome Calcutta campaign, and has ensure that this exciting project was a huge success.
